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小野 なな 展
「シリーズ 地球表皮」
※ 25日休廊
12時 〜19時(最終日16時30分まで)





Even though they have same scarlet blood in their veins, peoples of the world have struggled for so many years. Just because of their Racial-skin colors.

I painted these three Racial-skin colors. Coal-water for Black, Coffee-drip for Brown, Japanese Traditional paper for Ivory(White). To paint with these three colors, my picture will represent protection against ceaseless Wars which had fought in 20th century on the Earth and even in Iraq.

I also want to express these ceaseless Wars will kill our Earth itself with their violence and massacre very near future.

Almost all lives on this Earth such as Plant,Animal, Insect and naturally Human-race will revive even after suffered heavy damage. But what can they do, after being bombarded Degraded Uranium Cartridge and being torn their "Earth 's Skin".

On the ground, in the sea and under the ground , there are so many living Creatures on the Earth. They will be tortured again and again by ceaseless Wars. So I wonder when can I stop my work to paint "Earth's Skin"

カラー部分は、放射能問題も含め環境問題に大きくかかわる草木成長過程のモチーフなど、CGグラフィック処理です2008年ごろから取り組みだしている「モンサントの風」は種での世界征服 撒くだけで終わらない隣の畑まで犯してしてゆくとされる、品種改良とは、すでにある品種を2つかけ合せて、それぞれの遺伝子の良いところを組み合わせる、法方です。遺伝子組み替えは、全く違う仕組み遺伝子を入れ込んだり又足したりします。そのため、自然界には無い並びの遺伝子を生み出し、(例えば子供が生まれない生物どうしでも可能とされています)そのような遺伝子配列結果、自然界にはないものです。その悪影響の予測がつかないところを盲点とし、好いことづくめを勧めるめる商法 、種での支配、身近に向き合っている夢のエネルギー開発と言われた原子力(にてませんか?)生態系、放射能問題とどのように関係していくか全く予測のつかないことです。 命との引き換えの企業欲 モンサントは企業名です。

Washi-Japanese paper- is a material equal to 'textile' in Japan.Kimono, on the other hand, Japanese traditional clothes,is a canvas on the back. The world represented there is more than grace and elegance,swallowing the universe.There is always an end for all living things, ruled by 'time'.Our home, the earth, ground without any bloodshed.Hope is a recognition of approaching the peace, with an appeal to the world ,2006

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